Here is a piece from the state-run Moroccan press (MAP) about the latest Ramadan lecture given before King M6 and broadcast on TV. It covered the subject of family in Islam.
HM the King Chairs New Ramadan Religious Lecture
Casablanca - HM King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, accompanied by HRH Prince Moulay Rachid and HH Prince Moulay Ismail, presided, on Thursday at the royal palace in Casablanca, over a new religious lecture, the sixth such talks held during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.
The lecture was delivered by Bahija Cheddadi, member the local ulema council of Kenitra, on "the foundations of the family in Islam", drawing on the Quranic verse: "And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect."
The speaker stressed, from the very start, the need to renew Islam’s conception of the family with regard to many issues that challenge today this fundamental nucleus of society, in the context of changes taking place in the world, especially in the economic field and in connection with the exercise of freedoms.
Islam, in this regard, lavished great attention to the family with the establishment of standards and legal provisions that govern the behaviour and practices each of its members, she said.
The constitutive act of marriage is the most decisive element in conjugal life, said Cheddadi, stating that its provisions are intended to preserve the interests of the spouses, the sustainability of this relationship, and the avoidance of any defect or failure that could affect the validity of this sacred act.
In the conclusion of the marriage, the validity of the form is as important as for contractors who must be converged with the objectives of Sharia’ (Islamic law) in the matter.
Following the lecture, HM the King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, was greeted by several Muslim figures and scholars coming from all over the world.
Last modification 08/19/2011 04:00 PM.
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